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lundi 7 juillet 2014

what is byod in internet ?

نشرت من طرف : mounir-el ghali  |  في  19:19

?  What Is Byod 

 in Internet    

  by Devid Hussain

BYOD-Bring your own device is also called bring your own phone (BYOP), bring your own PC (BYOPC) and bring your own technology (BYOT)--refers to the policy in which the employees are permitted to bring personally owned mobile devices (like laptops, tablets, and smart phones) to the workplace, and those devices are used to access privileged information and applications of the company. The term is also used to describe the same practice applicable to students use their personally owned devices in education.
BYOD is making significant headway in the world of business, with nearly 75% high growth markets like Brazil and Russia and 'the own technology at work' is already being used by 44% of employees in developed markets. In most cases, the trend cannot be blocked by the businesses simply. Companies like Workspot believe that employees may become more productive using BYOD. Others say it increases the convenience and morale of employee by allowing them to use their own devices and makes the company look like an attractive and flexible employer. Many feel that new hires can be attracted by the means of BYOD, pointing to a survey which indicates 44% of job seekers view an organization more emphatically if there devices are supported by it.
BYOD is being adopted by many industries quicker than others. A recent study by Cisco partners of BYOD practices stated that the highest percentage of people using BYOD for work at 95.25 is in education.
A study by IBM shows benefits of BYOD include increased productivity, cost savings for the company and employee satisfaction. Increased productivity comes when a user feels comfortable with their personal device; being an expert user makes navigating the device easier which in turn increases productivity. Employee satisfaction, or job satisfaction, is achieved with BYOD when the user is allowed to use the device they want to work with rather than the one chosen by the IT team. It also allows them to carry only one device. There's no need to have separate devices f or work and for personal. It leads to cost saving because now the company need not worry about the maintenance of the device. It also leads to increased productivity because the device can be taken home and employee can work at both home and work with ease. There are various risks too that arise from BYOD, and agencies like UK Fraud Advisory Panel encourage organizations to think about these and taken a BYOD policy.
The end node problem is strongly related with the BYOD security, wherein both sensitive and risky networks/service is accessed by a device. Specific devices are issued by risk-averse organizations for Internet use (this is termed as 
Source : http://goarticles.com/article/What-Is-Byod/9151546/.

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